Friday, May 8, 2015

You make your own luck!

You make your own Luck!

I'm forever amazed at how often I am told I am "lucky". I find it most comical... and I often agree... just for the sake of agreement... The OPPOSITE is most likely true. I would consider myself to be quite UNLUCKY if I were to take a hard look at others lives... I have had more then my fair share of misery.
How could I possibly come to this conclusion one may ask? LOL... Simple... I know my life story. It's unlike any other man woman or child that I have ever come across on planet earth... It's not a pity party or a sob story... Trust me... I'm not THAT person... it's just the cold hard facts. Don't believe me? A brief timeline of events.
* My mother died when I was 4.
* The home that we lived in had chemicals dumped almost directly into my backyard... it ran into the stream that was next to my home and me and my brothers often played in it. (I actually assume the chemicals gave my mother the cancer she quickly got and died from as well... Especially since I was plagued with 40 years worth of health issues myself as a result.).
*My father was an abuse man who I can safely say didn't care for his kids and certainly didn't want to be "stuck" raising them. We were abused physically,and mentally & otherwise neglected until we were put into foster homes. 
* I was shuffled around from foster home to foster home while my brothers were put together and kept together and only lived in one nice foster home... because I wasn't a boy. 
*We won't talk about my experiences in foster care. (unlucky.).
*My first love? The night we got engaged died in a car crash when he hit a tree head on. My rings were still being sized (already paid for.) the jewelers REFUSED to give them to me... because I didn't have the paperwork. 
*Health issues supposedly left me unable to have children (as was told to me since I was 15 by my doctors.) I did get surprise pregnant though every time... (so maybe luck!?). But the health issues left me having surgery 10 X's and suffering most of my life in pain much worse then childbirth.
*After a car accident left me unable to walk for 6 months I gave up on a career I had always thought I wanted. I still have 3 herniated discs from the accident... I have to constantly watch myself not to injure it further...

I have many more instances... but I think thats a good place to stop...LOL... So whats my point? Life really is WHAT you make it. I didn't give up when I was down... (there were a few times I tried suicide though... I'm only human... and thats alot for one person to handle.... alone for much of her life.) There is no LUCK... you make your own luck. (well maybe others have luck. Ours? All made here in the U.S.A. by hand.) The choices we made that others are jealous of? My photography? Done by necessity. I needed exercise... alone time..... peace and tranquility. I loved art. Not luck. It's a choice. I get up early for sunrises and head out for sunsets while others are watching the news and eating dinner. Our "lucky" plan to live 2 blocks from the ocean? My husband gave up a great job and us a wonderful house in a quaint town to be here. It wasn't luck. And at times it was painful. We sacrificed alot to achieve it. 

It's so odd to me what people choose to be jealous of. I have heard many times from people... even our own families... that they are jealous that I don't have a "conventional job" with work hours... There are some day my back hurts so bad I can barely get out of bed to get to the bathroom. 25 of those years I had cysts and tumors that would randomly burst. Not fun... painful AND messy!I was told by the school that my youngest son had to be homeschooled... because they couldn't handle his "issues". (Type 1 diabetes and Autism. He was getting bullied daily...).  I am thinking those jealous of my "lifestyle" wouldn't like it if it came with all the downfalls as well as the perks. 

We are happy because DESPITE my series of bad luck we are positive people... We look forward to the future and try to never reflect much on the past... except on what we can learn from it. I have an amazing life... NOW... But not because its perfect... My son still has issues with us. His drug and alcohol use has been a burden... I have earned every grey hair on my head... It's amazing because I am thankful. I feel blessed having overcome so much and made the most of my journey. I am still building my life and my story... Nothing is finished. My story book has no end. But I know none of it was luck. God didn't choose my life for me. God wouldn't have done all of this to one person. But I am blessed he gave me a strong will to survive. 

Do you want happiness and "luck"? Go make your own. Everyone has the tools! Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. My dad was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.
